Established in 2018, the ReDSS Kenya Unit is dedicated to enhancing durable solutions for displacement-affected communities in Kenya. Our approach involves informing programming and policies that promote the integration of displacement-affected communities, enabling them to lead safe, dignified, and productive lives. Geographically, we work with our partners in Garissa and Turkana counties, with most of our work centralized in Nairobi.
Brief overview of displacement in Kenya
Kenya is home to one of the largest refugee populations in the world, with approximately 623,014 refugees and asylum seekers. The majority of refugees in Kenya are from Somalia (54%), South Sudan (25%), and the Democratic Republic of Congo (9%). The two main refugee complexes are Dadaab and Kakuma, with Dadaab hosting a higher number of refugees. The adult population between the ages of 18 and 59 constitutes the highest number of refugees, followed by children between the ages of 5 and 11, representing 22.5% of the refugee population.
Past Achievements
The ReDSS Kenya Unit has been engaged in refugee policy processes since 2018. With an expanding focus on broader displacement policy as a result of the evolving context in-country, ReDSS Kenya, through a consultative process with members and partners, have been engaging with the Refugee Act and the Subsequent process towards the development of regulations.
Current Priorities
Currently, the ReDSS Kenya unit is focusing on creating value for its members in engaging with refugees. This is encapsulated in our work in understanding social capital in the context of refugees in Dadaab. In addition, we are in partnership with the Maseno University and the Refugee Led Research Hub (RLRH) for a Dutch funded project to create a Kenya focused evidence platform. We are also working with the Kenya Red Cross on a project to promote resilience among refugee and host communities in Garissa, Wajir, Mandera and Turkana Counties.
Our Partners
Our work in Kenya would not be successful without our partners. They include our members, government entities, donors, academia, and other peers within the durable solutions space.