Longitudinal Solutions analyses Baidoa, Kismayo and Mogadishu


Building on the 2016/17 Somalia Solutions analyses, the Regional Durable Solutions Secretariat (ReDSS) has commissioned Samuel Hall to:

  1. Review the uptake and impacts of the recommendations from the first Solutions analyses to see to what extent those have informed durable solutions planning, programming and policies, and share lessons learnt
  2. Update the Solutions analyses for Bay, Benadir and Lower Juba, in order to assess progress and challenges since February 2017 and this will be conducted on an annual basis over the next 4 years to have better longitudinal analyses in these locations (the update will be based on the ReDSS solutions framework’s environmental analysis and 8 criteria – not on specific indicators

This exercise will be conducted on an annual basis over the next four years to have better longitudinal analyses in these locations. Through the work proposed, solution-oriented planning and programming will be benefit from the availability of disaggregated data on 1) the aspirations of displacement-affected communities regarding their future and 2) the dynamics and relationships between different groups living in the displacement-affected community. Click here for the terms of reference and open call for tenders.

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