Results and findings from citizen-led discussions on displacement and durable solutions in Mogadishu: Common Social accountability platform


This report outlines the first iteration of the Common Social Accountability Platform (CSAP), developed by Africa’s Voices Foundation (AVF) and launched in partnership with ReDSS and the Banadir Regional Administration (BRA) with the financial support from Danida, DFID and ECHO. The platform was mobilised for a four-part interactive radio series designed to build public dialogue in Mogadishu on critical displacement topics and to gather public opinion to inform ongoing durable solutions programmes and decision-making. This report documents the results and presents the findings of the interactive radio dialogue pilot project implemented using CSAP.

CSAP is built on an interactive radio method used by AVF: radio debate shows driven by citizen input sent in by SMS, or text messages. CSAP has two primary goals. First, it is designed to tackle a crucial gap in connecting Somali citizens to decision-making by maximising the scale and inclusivity of dialogue between citizens and authorities. Second, CSAP provides a robust digital platform to gather and analyse evidence on citizen perspectives, as articulated in SMS responses and feedback to the specific questions posed during the interactive radio show series. By using one common platform for building social accountability, CSAP intends to strengthen the Somali social accountability ecosystem by engaging citizens in spaces they value, outside the mandate of any single programme or organisation.

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