Early solutions planning and displacement

This is a study on early solutions planning for South Sudanese refugees in Kenya and Uganda, commissioned by the Regional Durable Solutions Secretariat (ReDSS) and the International Rescue Committee (IRC). The study argues that strategies for solutions should start at the onset of displacement, rather than after displacement becomes protracted, and focuses on building the self-reliance and resilience of refugees and host communities in the country of asylum. The study identifies challenges and opportunities for early solutions planning in the two countries, such as the policy environment, the coordination mechanisms, the funding modalities, the stakeholder engagement, and the mindsets of actors involved in the response. The study provides practical recommendations for operationalizing a more solutions-oriented approach in the early stages of displacement, such as improving scenario planning and preparedness, engaging in joint planning and collective outcomes, fostering government leadership, introducing new funding mechanisms, increasing human resource capacity, and changing perceptions of refugees as a burden.


Current studies and literature have argued that strategies for solutions should start at the onset of displacement. Solutions planning is most commonly initiated after displacement becomes protracted, by which point refugees are often dependent on humanitarian assistance. Given the unlikelihood of return or resettlement in the early stages of displacement, a solutions-oriented approach must inevitably have a primary focus on building refugee self-reliance and resilience in the country of asylum. Adopting a more solutions-oriented approach in the early stages of displacement is dependent on making a number of wide-ranging improvements on how displacement is responded to and who is involved. These improvements relate to a number of operational factors, including better forecasting of displacement and preparedness; more collaborative humanitarian and development approaches to assessment and analysis and the development of joint, measurable outcomes for refugee-hosting areas; and more flexible, multi-year funding sources to support the achievement of these outcomes.


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