Compendium reports are central to IOM’s own processes of collecting and learning from good practices globally. Externally, they demonstrate IOM’s experience on a given topic. This compendium is primarily designed to support IOM staff, aiming to facilitate exchange of good practices and promote innovative, high-quality programming while cognisant of the need to assess feasibility and adaptability to local contexts. This process has also contributed to the development of a new IOM framework on the progressive resolution of displacement situations, which conceptualizes IOM’s approach.
Based on contributions from 35 IOM offices, 74 key migration crises occurring between 2010 and 2014 were identified, and IOM’s contributions towards the progressive resolution of displacement situations were mapped against the eight criteria outlined in the Inter-Agency Standing Committee (IASC) Framework on Durable Solutions for Internally Displaced Persons. While broadening the applicability of the IASC Framework beyond the internally displaced persons, this compendium aims to also support efforts to raise awareness and further the operationalization of this key guidance. Each IOM office also identified an example of good practice, with the aim of potential replicability in other settings.