Leaving no one behind: Internal displacement and the 2030 agenda for sustainable development

The report contends that internal displacement must be recognized as a development concern within the framework of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). It emphasizes the need for durable solutions for those facing long-term or repeated displacement, and the importance of minimizing displacement and protecting the rights of those affected. Improved data collection and indicators on internal displacement are crucial for effective resource allocation. By prioritizing the needs of internally displaced persons, we can ensure that vulnerable populations are not overlooked in the pursuit of sustainable development.


The report titled “Leaving no one behind: Internal displacement and the 2030 agenda for sustainable development” highlights the importance of addressing the issue of internal displacement within the context of the 2030 agenda for sustainable development. While the agenda does not include a specific goal or target on displacement or internally displaced people (IDPs), it acknowledges the global concern and emphasizes the need for cooperation to ensure safe and orderly migration.

The report emphasizes four key insights to ensure inclusive and sustainable progress towards the 2030 Sustainable Development Goals. Firstly, it calls for support for durable solutions to displacement, as IDPs are among the most vulnerable people in the world. It emphasizes the need to reduce the risk of displacement and address the need for solutions for the millions of people displaced each year.

Secondly, the report highlights the importance of paying attention to people facing long-term and repeated displacement. These individuals are at a higher risk of impoverishment and exposure to further cycles of crisis. Their resilience is eroded over time, and it is crucial to identify and address their needs before finding solutions.

Thirdly, the report emphasizes the need to ensure that development projects minimize displacement and protect the people who are displaced from impoverishment and marginalization. It calls for prioritizing the protection of displaced people to ensure that they benefit from development interventions.

Lastly, the report stresses the importance of improving national data collection and developing indicators on internal displacement. This will ensure the inclusion of IDPs and vulnerable communities and guide the allocation of resources to where they are most needed. It calls for strengthening the capacity of national statistics offices and local-level authorities to monitor and collect disaggregated data on IDPs systematically.

Overall, the report highlights the need to address internal displacement within the 2030 agenda for sustainable development and ensure that no one is left behind in efforts to achieve the Sustainable Development Goals. It emphasizes the importance of supporting durable solutions, protecting the displaced, improving data collection, and addressing the needs of those facing long-term displacement.


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