The research focuses on the infrastructure and public services in the Kakuma refugee camps in Kenya, particularly the water and energy systems. It highlights the interaction between formal and informal components of infrastructure and their impact on refugee livelihoods. The study finds that while camp agencies regulate the formal system of water provision, the energy system is largely supplied through refugee and host community businesses. The informal sector plays a crucial role in resource provision, with refugees creatively redistributing resources from formal systems or seeking alternative sources.
The research emphasizes the importance of considering the consequences for different stakeholders when improving resource provision and camp infrastructure. It also highlights the dilemma between protection-based provision and market-based livelihood facilitation. The study suggests that upgrading infrastructure should take into account the potential winners and losers, such as refugee entrepreneurs and members of the local host community who benefit from the current system. Overall, the research underscores the need to balance the rights-based protection of refugees with the facilitation of sustainable livelihoods through improved infrastructure.