Displacement is a development issue with humanitarian components so it is essential to ensure complementarities and synergies between humanitarian, development, peace and state building programing to inform collective outcomes.
The year 2020 has been a particularly unique year for individuals, organisations and other entities worldwide, owing to the impacts of the Corona Virus Disease (COVID-19) pandemic. The pandemic continues to have far-reaching impacts in the East and Horn of Africa region and specifically on displacement affected communities who lack access to basic services and economic opportunities. ReDSS has continued to support its members and partners in ensuring that durable solutions programming and decision-making processes at both national and regional levels are informed by knowledge and evidence.
What’s Inside
The ReDSS 2020 annual report presents a review of ReDSS pillars; research and knowledge management, programme support and capacity development, policy dialogue and coordination, and presents key achievements, challenges and opportunities to work on in 2021. The report also highlights key outcomes of ReDSS external evaluation and communications audit, both carried out in 2020.
Download the annual report as well as the PowerPoint presentation on the ReDSS 2020 annual review and 2021 priorities.
ReDSS work and achievements are made possible through the active engagement and generous contributions from its members and funding partners (UK FCDO, EU, ECHO, and DANIDA). ReDSS would like to thank them for their continued generous support and commitment to do more and to do better together in the search for durable solutions in the East and Horn of Africa region.