Building on the results and analysis of the first annual aspirations survey conducted from June to September 2019 as well as the World Bank’s micro-data analysis and the baseline results of the Danwadaag’s Local (re)integration assessment (LoRA), ReDSS is commissioning the second phase of the aspirations survey. It aims to compare data and analysis to the baseline, better understand the context changes and challenges influencing displaced person’s decisions to either stay in current location or to move elsewhere; so as to inform better durable solutions programing and targeting in Somalia.
The analysis will compare different groups of IDPs: those living in and out of settlements, displaced by conflict and climate, in male and female-headed HHs, recently displaced and in protracted displacement, displaced once and multiple times as well as host and non-host communities in urban areas. The objective of this second phase is to get a more comprehensive picture of displacement-related issues and dynamics to inform area-based durable solutions programming, complementing existing data and analyses. Click here to download a more detailed ToR.