The New York Declarations on Refugees and Migrants, agreed to the need for an improved global response to the refugee and migrant crisis through greater responsibility sharing for hosting and supporting the world’s refugees. This meeting which was held on the sidelines of the 11 May Somalia Conference, mainly focused on how the international community can improve its collective response to protecting refugees in the Horn and East Africa. Key discussions included questions on how the international community can provide a clearer roadmap in fulfilling their responsibility to a better response to protracted refugee situations. This will support countries and communities that host refugees in improving asylum space, integrated access to services, inclusive economic opportunities and infrastructure for all. The meeting complements other major multilateral initiatives such as the March 2017 IGAD Summit, the June Solidarity Summit in Uganda and discussions held under the German Presidency of the G20 and Italian Presidency of the G7. It will also serve as a key milestone in reviewing progress against donor and government commitments in preparation for the 2017 UN General Assembly.
Brief ahead of DFID/ IGAD/ EU Ministerial event on supporting refugees and host communities